Craft your course with confidence with bentgrass sod from GreenSource

As a dedicated Pure Seed grower, our longstanding commitment to quality provides you with elite bentgrass options that stand the test of playability and visual appeal. Craft your course with confidence, knowing you have access to meticulously crafted bentgrass varieties.

PennCross Bentgrass: Since 1955, PennCross has set the gold standard in bentgrass. PennCross is renowned for its vigorous growth and quick recovery, setting the standard for bentgrass with its aggressive growth habit and superior wear tolerance.

PennTrio Creeping Bentgrass Blend: Combining the strengths of PC2.0, Penn A-4, Pure Select, and PennLinks II, PennTrio is an excellent choice for tees and fairways. This certified blend has a wide range of climatic adaptability due to its genetic diversity. This trio of excellence delivers fine-textured, dense turf with outstanding playability and resilience, ensuring that your greens meet the highest levels of golfing performance.

Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass:  Pure Distinction boasts a rich heritage that includes the legendary Penn A’s and G’s. Expect a turf with exceptional density, smoothness, and a lush green hue that stands up beautifully to environmental stresses.

Crystal BlueLinks: Recognizable by its stunning blue-green color, Crystal BlueLinks features a semi-erect growth habit, aggressive recovery, and great disease resistance, making it an excellent choice for greens, tees and fairways. Crystal BlueLinks offers a unique aesthetic alongside its strong growth characteristics, ensuring your turf remains impeccably presented under various conditions.

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