Celebrating Agronomic Heritage with USGA Endorsed Bentgrass

In a tribute to the USGA Green Section's centennial, Rutgers University and Mountain View Seeds have partnered to craft the Piper and Oakley bentgrass varieties, named in honor of USGA's pioneering agronomists. This collaboration has given rise to the Centennial Creeping Bentgrass blend, a resilient and adaptable turf that stands as a living legacy to a century of golf course sustainability and excellence. With qualities bred for superior playability, these grasses offer course superintendents a premium playing surface.

GreenSource USA takes pride in being a provider of this distinguished Centennial blend, bringing the historical significance and enhanced performance of Piper and Oakley varieties to golf courses nationwide. As we embrace the spring season, we invite you to be part of this storied tradition and advance your course's quality with the Centennial Creeping Bentgrass, a turf that reflects the pinnacle of agronomic progress.

See the data sheet here